Saturday, July 6, 2013

Our Neighborhood Goodbye

This is one of those posts where I feel like all of the pictures really tell my emotions. That and I'm tired, and I think I'd rather go to bed then write much. Sometimes when you are about to leave something you realize in that very moment just how sweet the experience has been.

I know I will never have neighbors like this "on accident" ever again. Our barbecue last night felt like just as much of a goodbye for Blanche and her little friends as for us adults. Both neighbors have bought a house in the last month and our little town home strip is emptying out. Somethings are meant to only last for a season. As sweet as it has been at times, I know none of us had ever planned on renting there forever. When we first moved in I was pregnant with Blanche. I first met Jennifer and her family when Blanche was a baby in my arms, and their oldest son Henry was barely walking. I met Carolyn when we were both pregnant with the girls. Now she has had little Annie after Ruthie, Jennifer has had Calvin, and I'm pregnant again as well. We have all been busy, but it was always nice to see one another outside as we hung our cloth diapers in the sun. Sometimes our backyard felt like another era. I will truly miss these great mamas that lived just right next door.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sitting here reading this with Henry on my lap looking at the pictures again and again. Henry looks up at me and says sadly, "I want to play with my friends. I miss my friends." I have to admit, I teared up a little. Carolyn moved Friday and now we are really alone. Miss you guys!
