Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An Update

I know its been a little bit since I've done a post. I don't know if we have necessarily been busy…I mean, how one of my friends put it,  "I've been doing things like dying my hair and buying a minivan." When you put it like that it sound like I'm having a mom-life crisis.

I don't think I am.

Andrew and I have both said we feel like we are living life, but also waiting for the next step in some ways. We've been searching and praying for the next step… and whether that means staying in Siloam or moving. No big changes yet, but maybe one day.

I feel like a lot of times my days and weeks look similar, but my mind is always going. I always seem to be researching something. I know I've written about it some before, but I as of now (maybe it will change once Blanche is older) but I think I want to teach Blanche at home rather than sending her to school. Not something I ever really thought I would do.

I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time to write today, but I thought I'd put up a fun video Blanche and I recorded this morning. She isn't too talkative in it, but cute none the less. Right now Blanche is watching her favorite dvd, which is a sign language series. This is the one on food. Which with every food they show she comes to me signing it and wanting to "experience" it by also eating it. We've already had a banana and she wants a cracker.

I want Andrew to do a guest post on here, with some of the pictures of his baking and what he's been up to for the last six months. Mostly helping me never loss my last five pounds of baby weight. Oh well, I think we are all learning to eat healthier in some ways, and maybe just a healthier mindset. Andrew makes so many things from scratch. It seems to make it easier to not worry so much about calories but just eat healthy and whole foods when we are hungry. And stop when we are full. And to also let ourselves have fun and get ice-cream. We have been doing this with Blanche, a more laid back version than most parents probably. Not forcing her to eat, but letting her enjoy it and stop when she says she's done. It has helped all of us see the power in learning to trust your body.

I am sort of all over the place, but just an update on the Nycums. I finished Blanche's baby book. It was a scrapbook/ photo book of letters and pictures, month by month from pregnancy to her first birthday. I hope I can make one for each of our children. I really love it, and hope Blanche will cherish it one day as well.

I hope all of you are doing well! Someone sent me a beautiful handmade soap and candle from an etsy shop, and I have no idea who did. Thank you if it was you! We are all doing well, and Andrew is looking forward to spring and a garden. I'm looking forward to making Blanche a "mud pie kitchen" when he works on the garden. The Nycum family thrives in the outdoors. Spring will be here soon!

1 comment:

  1. You two are so sweet together! Thanks for posting this so I can see her progress. I love all 3 of you so much!!!

